расходники для варки:
Red Herbs , Yellow Herbs , White Herbs , Blue Herbs , Cactus Needle , Mole Whisker ,
Witch Starsand , Immortal Heart , Poison Spore , Stem , Fabric , Maneater Blossoms ,
Detonator , Tendon , Zenorc's Fang , Heart of Mermaid , Ment , Aloe , Honey ,
Scell , Empty Bottle , Frill , Large Jellopy , Moth Dust , Seed of Life , Glass Tube ,
Morning Dew of Yggdrasi , Blue Gemstone , Red Gemstone , Yellow Gemstone
Medicine Bowl продаётся в Альдебаране (alde_alche.gat (24, 188) )
Empty Potion Bottle продаются в геффене(geffen_in.gat (171, 123) - гильдия магов)
Empty Test Tube продаются в геффене (geffen_in.gat (171, 123) - гильдия магов)
Red Potion = 1 Red Herbs + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Yellow Potion = 1 Yellow Herbs + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
White Potion = 1 White Herbs + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Blue Potion = 1 Blue Herbs + 1 Scell + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Condensed Red Potion = 1 Red Potion + 1 Cactus Needle + 1 Empty Test Tube.
Condensed Yellow Potion = 1 Yellow Potion + 1 Mole Whisker + 1 Empty Test Tube.
Condensed White Potion = 1 White Potion + 1 Witch Starsand + 1 Empty Test Tube.
Anodyne = 1 Ment + 1 Alcohol+ 1 Empty Bottle.
Aloevera = 1 Aloe + 1 Honey + 1 Empty Bottle.
Acid Bottle = 1 Immortal Heart + 1 Empty Bottle.
Alcohol = 5 Poison Spore + 5 Stem + 1 Empty Bottle + 1 Empty Test Tube[/u].
Bottle Grenade = 1 Alcohol + 1 Fabric + 1 Empty Bottle.
Plant Bottle = 2 Maneater Blossoms + 1 Empty Bottle.
Marine Sphere Bottle = 1 Detonator + 1 Tendon+ 1 Empty Bottle.
Для использования скила Acid Demonstration надо: 1 Bottle Grenade, 1 Acid Bottle.
Glistening Coat = 1 Alcohol + 1 Heart of Mermaid + 1 Zenorc's Fang + 1 Empty Bottle.
Fire Resist Potion = 2 Frill + 1 Red Gemstone + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Cold Resist Potion = 3 Heart of Mermaid + 1 Blue Gemstone + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Earth Resist Potion = 2 Large Jellopy + 1 Yellow Gemstone + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Thunder Resist Potion = 3 Moth Dust + 1 Blue Gemstone + 1 Empty Potion Bottle.
Embryo = 1 Seed of Life + 1 Morning Dew of Yggdrasi + 1 Glass Tube.
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